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Terms of Use

Terms of Use of the Pet Shop Bobi Website

The website www.petshopbobi.rs was launched and edited by Pet Shop Bobi d.o.o (hereinafter Pet Shop Bobi or we).
By the first and each subsequent use of the website, it is considered that you are fully acquainted with these Terms, that they are clear to you and that you accept them. If you do not agree with them, please do not access the website and do not use its contents. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Terms of Use, please contact info@petshopbobi.rs.
We may change the layout and content of the website as well as the Terms of Use at any time and without explanation, so please review them from time to time to become aware of possible changes. Your subsequent use of the Website is deemed to constitute your acceptance of any changes to these terms. Pet Shop Bobi will not be liable for any possible consequences resulting from changes to the web content.
Viewing content at this address is only possible for personal purposes. It is forbidden to publicly display, download, reproduce, transmit, publish, modify, reproduce, distribute, participate in the transmission or sale, make copies, send, as well as any other use of the entire content of these pages or one part thereof and select and harmonize their content , without the express written permission of Pet Shop Bobi. If such permission is granted, it is not allowed to delete or change existing data relating to copyright and / or trademark and the rights of third parties.
Users are prohibited from transmitting and posting obscene, offensive, vulgar, threatening or obscene, or otherwise unacceptable or illegal content, as well as those that violate any of the rights of any party, and especially content that contains viruses or other harmful material on this website. Users take responsibility for any damage resulting from their activities that are not in accordance with the above, as well as for any other type of damage that may result. Pet Shop Bobi reserves the right (but not the obligation) to delete, in whole or in part, the materials and content posted by users on its pages.
By using the content of this website, the user accepts the risks arising from the use of this website and accepts the use of the content of this website exclusively for personal use and at his own risk.
Pet Shop Bobi disclaims all liability in any way that may arise in any way from, or in any way related to the use of this website, for any actions of users using or abusing the content of this website, and for any damage that may arise to the user or any third party in connection with the use or misuse of the content of this website All materials submitted on your own initiative, in particular photographs, videos, texts and other similar materials, or other author's works (hereinafter: Materials) may, once or more, be published without a time limit, but may not be published on the web. Pet Shop Bobi page. By submitting content and materials to this address, you automatically issue (or guarantee that the owner of the material expressly permits) Pet Shop Bobi an irrevocable, permanent and exclusive rights and license to use, adapt and modify, fit into other works, translate, publish, transmit and distribute all over the world of the mentioned material in any form and through all known and future media for any purpose and without compensation. The terms of this clause also apply after the termination of this contract. The senders of the Materials accept that no fee will be paid (and may be according to the autonomous decision of Pet Shop Bobi) for the submitted Materials. All persons who submit the Material to Pet Shop Bobi on their own initiative guarantee under full criminal and material liability that it represents their exclusive property and that they claim copyright to it. If Pet Shop Bobi's publication of these materials suffers any damage, those who submitted that material undertake to compensate Pet Shop Bobi for all the damage it would suffer in that way.
Pet Shop Bobi disclaims all liability in connection with Materials submitted by third parties.
If the Website provides the ability to link to other Websites that we have no control over, we are not responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the content of other Websites or for any negative consequences that may result from the use of other Websites.